
Design Studio Project 3: Visitor Interpretive Centre (VIC)

Learning Outcomes

1. Generate design based on the unique character and conditions of the site context
2. Generate design through conscious consideration of section-plan relationship with considerations of human scale, natural light, materials/texture
3. Design a small scale community building which response to the site (site topography, history and socio-cultural events), functional program and users’ experiences
4. Produce drawings (both 2D and 3D), modelling and verbal presentation to communicate and visualize architectural design and ideas.

Concept of my design is "geometrical fluidity" which developed from the word - flow. This concept is inspired by the flow of pedestrian, flow of river, wind flow, history and culture of the site. To develop my idea from interior and exterior, i made several sketch models to have clear translation of my concept.

After few weeks of development through drawings and models, i have translated my concept into 3 A2 presentation board, using 3Ds Max to show the interior poetic architecture and physical model to show the exterior surface and texture.

A physical model is made with site context to show the building and site relationship and the form of my design. It also interpreted my concept of geometrical triangle shapes which relate to the Christian culture.

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