
B.Con 2 Project 1: Understanding Forces in Skeletal Structure


1. To create an understanding of skeletal structure and its relevant structural components.
2. To understand how a skeletal structure reacts under loading.
3. To demonstrate a convincing understanding of how Skeletal Construction works.
4. To be able to manipulate Skeletal Construction to solve an oblique Design problem. 

Learning Outcomes

1. Apply construction system in design.
2. Recognize the implication of construction systems in design.
3. Analyse the issues of strength, stiffness and stability of structures including modes of structural systems, forces, stress and strain and laws of static. 

We have experiment on four different bonding method and shape to get the best performance of the model. We concluded the tying with 2mm string is the best way to bond them in a rigid way, so that the pop-stickers can overcome the sudden force. Slotting is also used to have fix bonding, so that they wont tear apart and collapse easily.

However, the model still collapsed because the pop-stickers were not tied in a proper way. Hence, the three boxes were not able to withstand the shear forces and collapse slowly. Failure analysis and improvises are studied and written in the booklet.

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