
B.Science 1 Project 2: Integration with design studio 3


1. To be able to show understanding of thermal comfort properties in final design studio.
2. To be able to solve design problems in relation to sustainability issues.
3. To be able to design spaces in terms of thermal comfort referring to MS1525 and UBBL. 

Learning Outcomes

1. Estimate heat gain in a space and to provide passive solutions for it.
2. Evaluate control of variables such as heat and ventilation
3. Judge the limits of acceptable or desirable conditions (thermal environment) and recommend designs that control the effects of sun on the thermal performance of buildings (shading devices) 

My design is an angular concrete structure detaching to a slope. The entrance and exit is facing the east direction to catch the sunlight every morning which represent hopes. There are natural and mechanical ventilation to have a better thermal comfort. Heat gain calculation is also used to analyse and improve the heat gain of the interior of the building. Insulation and green roof are used to reduce the heat gain. 

This project emphasises on the importance of calculation and site analysis before designing a building. Ventilations and shading devices must be included into the design to have a better thermal comfort.

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