
ComApp Project 1: Modelling of an Architectural Design

Learning Outcomes

1. To produce 3D model of a selected architectural design using 3DS Max/Rhinoceros or both.
2. To record Work in Progress (WIP) as progressive evidence of the working process. 


1. Understand and execute the functions of Standard Primitives, Splines & Modifiers.
2. Understand and utilise polygon modelling and NURBS modelling in producing the 3D models. 

The exterior form of Villa SSK was first created by using the floor plan and drawing tools in 3Ds Max. This project help us to improve on our basic skills in 3Ds Max.

Feel free to visit my WIP blog, http://www.christina0309105.blogspot.com

ComApp Project 2: Still Rendering with Materials, Lights, Camera Views with Site Context

Learning Outcomes

1. Produce photorealistic still renderings of the selected building with materials, lighting, camera views and site context.2. To record Work in Progress (WIP) as progressive evidence of the working process. 


1. Able to import .dwg file into 3DS Max.
2. To manage the 3D scene using layers.
3. To create materials for 3D objects.
4. To use lights in 3DS Max for exterior and interior rendering.
5. To set up good photographic compositions using cameras in 3DS Max for final rendering.
6. To understand and execute the appropriate rendering settings.
7. To enhance the visual outcome of the renderings using post-production tools. 

The 2 eye-level exterior view of Villa SSK show the landscape in different views.

The interior views are the water feature and the dining room of Villa SSK.

Feel free to visit my WIP blog, http://www.christina0309105.blogspot.com

ComApp Project 3: A maximum 90 seconds Animation of the Completed 3D Scene

Learning Outcomes

1. Produce photorealistic animation renders.
2. To record Work in Progress (WIP) as progressive evidence of the working process. 


1. To continue from Project 2, the completed scene is animated.
2. To set up camera paths for animation rendering.
3. To allow students to explore their imagination, inventiveness and storey telling abilities when creating the animation. 

Complete animation of Villa SSK, music of the theme of The Pirate of The Caribbean. 

Feel free to visit my WIP blog, http://www.christina0309105.blogspot.com


B.Science 1 Project 2: Integration with design studio 3


1. To be able to show understanding of thermal comfort properties in final design studio.
2. To be able to solve design problems in relation to sustainability issues.
3. To be able to design spaces in terms of thermal comfort referring to MS1525 and UBBL. 

Learning Outcomes

1. Estimate heat gain in a space and to provide passive solutions for it.
2. Evaluate control of variables such as heat and ventilation
3. Judge the limits of acceptable or desirable conditions (thermal environment) and recommend designs that control the effects of sun on the thermal performance of buildings (shading devices) 

My design is an angular concrete structure detaching to a slope. The entrance and exit is facing the east direction to catch the sunlight every morning which represent hopes. There are natural and mechanical ventilation to have a better thermal comfort. Heat gain calculation is also used to analyse and improve the heat gain of the interior of the building. Insulation and green roof are used to reduce the heat gain. 

This project emphasises on the importance of calculation and site analysis before designing a building. Ventilations and shading devices must be included into the design to have a better thermal comfort.

B.Science 1 Project 1: Human Perception of Comfort Level


1. To identify and define the principles of heat transfer in relation to building and people
2. To understand what is thermal comfort and discuss factors relating to thermal comfort
3. To analyze the effect of thermal comfort factors in a person and in a space
4. To be able to criticize design of the space in terms of thermal comfort by referring to MS1525 and UBBL

Learning Outcomes

1. Identify environmental conditions related to site conditions, climate, etc.
2. Explain the effects of the sun on the thermal performance of buildings

3. Explain the effect of insulation, thermal mass and air movement on thermal performance of buildings
4. Infer how different building material (K-value, u-value, r-value) has different effect on heat gain or thermal environment in a given space 

A report is done in a group of 6 people, analysing the selected site, 55 Jalan PJS 7/2 Bandar Sunway, 46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. The main content of the report is gathering information and analysing the thermal comfort, ventilation, shading devices and wind flow of the site. Data and information were gathered from the internet.

B.Con 2 Project 2: Understanding Forces in Solid Structure and Surface Structure


1. To create an understanding of solid structure and surface structure and its relevant structural components.
2. To understand how a solid structure and surface structure reacts under loading.
3. To demonstrate a convincing understanding of how Solid Construction and surface construction works.
4. To exploit the qualities inherent in Solid Construction and surface construction.

5. To be able to manipulate Solid Construction and surface construction to solve an oblique Design problem. 

Learning Outcomes

1. Identifications of basic structural systems in construction
2. Compare solid and surface construction systems.

3. Differentiate solid and surface construction systems in terms of loads and forces acting on structural elements.
4. Recognize and apply the implications of construction system in design.
5. Analyse the issues of strength, stiffness and stability of structures including modes of structural systems, forces, stress and strain and laws of static. 

An A4 booklet is made to study and analyse the selected surface structure - Skysong. It is a fabric structure to work as a shading structure and collect rainwater to harvest plants. It is mainly made if PTFE fabric and steel as supporting structure. 

A model is made by white plastic to represent steel columns, white string as steel cables and raincoat clothes as PTFE Fabric. The model shows the detail structure of Skysong and help us to understand more about every components and details. 

B.Con 2 Project 1: Understanding Forces in Skeletal Structure


1. To create an understanding of skeletal structure and its relevant structural components.
2. To understand how a skeletal structure reacts under loading.
3. To demonstrate a convincing understanding of how Skeletal Construction works.
4. To be able to manipulate Skeletal Construction to solve an oblique Design problem. 

Learning Outcomes

1. Apply construction system in design.
2. Recognize the implication of construction systems in design.
3. Analyse the issues of strength, stiffness and stability of structures including modes of structural systems, forces, stress and strain and laws of static. 

We have experiment on four different bonding method and shape to get the best performance of the model. We concluded the tying with 2mm string is the best way to bond them in a rigid way, so that the pop-stickers can overcome the sudden force. Slotting is also used to have fix bonding, so that they wont tear apart and collapse easily.

However, the model still collapsed because the pop-stickers were not tied in a proper way. Hence, the three boxes were not able to withstand the shear forces and collapse slowly. Failure analysis and improvises are studied and written in the booklet.


Design Studio Project 3: Visitor Interpretive Centre (VIC)

Learning Outcomes

1. Generate design based on the unique character and conditions of the site context
2. Generate design through conscious consideration of section-plan relationship with considerations of human scale, natural light, materials/texture
3. Design a small scale community building which response to the site (site topography, history and socio-cultural events), functional program and users’ experiences
4. Produce drawings (both 2D and 3D), modelling and verbal presentation to communicate and visualize architectural design and ideas.

Concept of my design is "geometrical fluidity" which developed from the word - flow. This concept is inspired by the flow of pedestrian, flow of river, wind flow, history and culture of the site. To develop my idea from interior and exterior, i made several sketch models to have clear translation of my concept.

After few weeks of development through drawings and models, i have translated my concept into 3 A2 presentation board, using 3Ds Max to show the interior poetic architecture and physical model to show the exterior surface and texture.

A physical model is made with site context to show the building and site relationship and the form of my design. It also interpreted my concept of geometrical triangle shapes which relate to the Christian culture.

Design Studio 3 Project 2: Site Analysis & Concept Development

Learning Outcomes

Produce site analysis which document, interpret and analyse the site context and the ‘genius loci’ of place

The selected place is Jalan Utama Christian Cemetery, Georgetown, Penang. It is the biggest Christian cemetery in Penang. We spent 3 days there to do research and analyse the entire site with a group of 8 people. We also interviewed workers to know more about the history of the cemetery. Further information and data are gathered from the internet. We are required to do a slideshow to present our site analysis.

The site model of 1:250 scale in made to show the environment of the selected site and analyse the potential of building a Visitor Interpreting Centre during Project 3.

Design Studio 3 Project 1: Journey for the 5 senses

Learning Outcomes

1. Identify and explain different spatial types in architecture, and how they inform spatial use and experience
2. Identify and analyze case studies to inform the design project
3. Create tectonic expressions of different spatial typologies which impact on the uses and experiential conditions of space
4. Generate design through conscious consideration of section-plan relationship with considerations of human scale, natural light, materiality and textures
5. Produce drawings (both 2D and 3D), modelling and verbal presentation to communicate and visualize architectural design and ideas. 

Precedent Study of Jewish Museum, the Linear Space

The Jewish Museum is an interesting space which consist of many poetic feels to create the feeling of darkness, chaos and uncertainty according to the history of Jews in Germany. There are sounds, sight and hearing sense to enhance the feel of fear. Light and shadow also playing an important role to create dark spaces. In this project, we are able to learn more about poetic feels and playing with light and shadow, materials and others to create different spaces.

Precedent Study of Villa La Rotunda, The Centric Space


Villa La Rotunda is a classic building which emphasise on hope and light, have a obvious contrast with the Jewish Museum. It is a centric and symmetrical building with four entrance. The interior and exterior of the building are bright and grand with ornaments and drawings which bring out the hopeful and sacred atmosphere in the building.

Box of Darkness and Heaven

After the precedent studies of existing buildings, we are required to design and develop buildings to enhance the knowledge of poetic architecture. The centric building of out design was developed from a simple box. The journey of the spaces is from dark to bright which reflected the poetic feel of the poem - There is Another Sky. The poem is to encourage the poet's brother to be brave and walk through hardness of his life. 

From the exterior of the building, the raw concrete surface of the Box which located in the centre of a greenish field, pull attraction of people. In this building, there is a lot of uneven surface of wall, represent the tree trunk of the forest, to let people feel the darkness and hardness along the pathway. The openings represent the brunches and leaves of the dark and bright forest, which people are able to experience both difficulty and hope.

The model is made of white board to show the exterior and interior poetic architecture in a physical form. The 3D model is also very helpful during presentation to show the concept easily.

The Linear Space on the Cliff

After analysed the poetic architecture and precedent studies about the Jewish Museum, Berlin, we are required to design a linear building or space for people, according the poetic feel of the poem, There is Another Sky, to experience the journey of 5 senses.

From the exterior of the building, people are able to observe the concrete and metal surface of it. The irregular shape of the long building and part of it hanging on the cliff, draws attention and makes people feel excited. Sometimes we choose to escape from problems we met in our life. In this building, people are able to pause in spaces along the building, feel and think about problems in life. On the platform, this is the time to make decision, whether to stay in the garden or back to the reality and solve problems to have a better life.

The model is made of white foam board to show the lightness and softness of the building. The foam was cut in angular shape, from complicated to simple, represent the journey of problem solving in life.